Grant County Commission Proceedings

       September 24, 2019
    The Grant County Commission met at 8 AM with Commissioners Buttke, Mach, Stengel, Street and Tostenson. Chairman Stengel called the meeting to order. Motion by Buttke and seconded by Street to approve the minutes of the September 3, 2019 meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Minutes filed. Motion by Mach and seconded by Tostenson to approve the agenda with deleting the presentation for years of service certificates. Motion carried 5-0.
    Members of the public present were Dale and Linda Prisinger, David Lau, Dale and Ann Tuchscherer, Dick Berens, Kathy Tyler, Gary Lindeman, Doug Wollschlager, Paul Dummann, Craig and Gretchen Wiste, Gerald Peters, Greg Kasuske, Bruce Granquist, Nathan Granquist, Benjamin and Kaylee Arlt, Bobbie Bohlen and Scott Amundson.
    The Chairman called for public comment. Dick Berens asked the Commission what action will be taken, once harvest begins, to remove the mud from the county roads. David Lau and Craig Wiste both spoke on the need for additional camp grounds for workers who need housing during the construction phase of the wind towers. They asked the Commission to support the issuance of a CUP to allow these camp grounds to be built. Former Commissioner Paul Dummann also spoke on supporting this request for the issuance of a conditional use permit under the present Planning and Zoning ordinance.
    The Auditor’s account with the Treasurer for the month of August was noted.
    To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners, Grant County:    
    I hereby submit the following report of my examination of the cash and cash items in the hands of the County Treasurer of the County of Grant as of the last day of August, 2019.
    Cash on Hand, $2,811.86
    Checks in Treasurer’s possession less than 3 days, $23,904.35
    Cash Items, $0.00
RECONCILED CHECKING                First Bank & Trust, $4,013.32; Interest, $0.00; Credit Card Transactions/TIF Fee, $1,534.18; First Bank & Trust (Svgs), $4,002,165.00 .
CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT            First Bank & Trust, $0.00; First Bank & Trust (TIF), $0.00.
    General, $2,055,099.07; General restricted cash, $1,500,000.00; Cash Accounts for Offices General Fund, $605.00; Sp. Revenue, ($3,886.30); Sp. Revenue restricted cash, $0.00; Henze Road District, $0.00; TIF Apportioning Northern Lights, $0.00; TIF Milbank, $0.00; TIF Northern Lights, $0.00; Special assessment Land Rent, $0.00;  Trust & Agency, $482,610.94; (schools 32,599.03, twps 1,538.40, city/town 17,926.09)
    Dated this 9th day of September, 2019
Karen M. Layher
County Auditor
    The Register of Deeds fees for the month of August were $9,411.25, the Clerk of Courts fees for the month of August were $6,977.83 and the Sheriff Fees for the month of August were $4,109.66 with $3,270.78 receipted into the General Fund.
    Drainage: Chairman Stengel adjourned the Board of Commissioners and convened the commission acting as the Drainage Board. The Drainage Officer presented the following permits.
    Drainage Permit DR2019-25 by Chris Zubke in the E1/2SW1/4 of Section 16, Township 121, Range 47 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Grant County, South Dakota. (Big Stone Township) The request, if granted, would improve cropland.  Drainage Officer Atyeo-Gortmaker presented the permit for the ½ acre existing ditch conversion to tile with the wetland determination and adjoining landowner signature on file as an approvable permit using the 50 foot setback and existing culvert.
    During the public testimony, Kathy Tyler handed out information from the Des Moines Register from 2015 and followed up with excerpts from other publications. Tyler believes pig manure should not be applied to tiled ground and cover crops are necessary for filtration. She urged the Drainage Board to attach conditions to the permit for water monitoring of nitrates and phosphates.  
    Dale Tuchscherer addressed the Board on the tile line he installed 2 years ago to handle the water runoff from north of his residence. He stated the tile is just starting to work and not fully operational yet. He does not believe the creek can handle any more water and he does not want any more water going through his land. Ann Tuchscherer also concluded with concerns for erosion into the creek. At the conclusion of the testimony, Jerry Zubke withdrew the permit request citing the neighbor’s concern for the tile conversion as his reason for withdrawal.
    Drainage Permit DR2019-30 by Bruce Granquist SW1/4 of Section 15, Township 119, Range 49 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Grant County, South Dakota. (Madison Township) The request, if granted, would improve cropland and connect in a cooperative effort with DR2019-27.
    Atyeo-Gortmaker presented the request as a part of a cooperative project with several neighbors. Commissioner Street began speaking about the project and then recused himself as he is a member of the cooperative project for a permit to be before the board at this meeting. The ROW occupancy permit for crossing the road will be heard later on the agenda by the Commission. The adjoining landowner is a party to the permit from earlier approval, the NRCS wetland determination is on file. No public comment was received. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Buttke to approve DR2019-30 as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
    Drainage Permit DR2019-31 by William Street NE1/4 of Section 34, Township 119, Range 49 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Grant County, South Dakota. (Madison Township) The request, if granted, would reduce mud holes and make the land more suitable to farm. Commissioner Street remained recused. NRCS wetland determination had been obtained, the tile will remain on his own property in the blue line and will not be going through a road. Commissioner Buttke had made a visit to the area and gave his opinion to approve the permit with the stipulation that work stays away from the Right of Way. No public comment was offered. Motion by Buttke and seconded by Mach to approve DR2019-31 with the condition as stated by Buttke. Motion carried 4-0. Street returned to the meeting as a member.
    Drainage Permit DR2019-32 by Gregory Kasuske in the SE1/4 of Section 4, Township 120, Range 49 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Grant County, South Dakota. (Grant Center Township) The request, if granted, would improve tillable ground. This project will go into a previously installed tile by pattern tiling to the main line and flowing into a blue line creek. All information for this permit is on record and is approvable. No public comment was offered. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Mach to approve DR2019-32 as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
    Drainage Permit DR2019-33 by Gerald and Leslie Peters in the NE1/4NW1/4 & NW1/4NE1/4 of Section 16, Township 121, Range 48 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Grant County, South Dakota. (Melrose Township) The request, if granted, would allow for spring runoff and to plant in a timely manner.
    This ditch conversion would allow surface water to be placed into a permitted tile located to the south of this property as a cooperative project. Chairman Stengel relinquished the Chair and Vice Chairman Mach assumed the Chair. Commissioner Stengel recused himself from the meeting because he is the adjoining landowner to the project. The NRCS wetland determination is on file and the adjoining landowner’s agreement of support of the permit is on file.
    During the public hearing comment period, Ben and Kaylee Arlt objected to the tile permit as it would flood the blue line that travels through their acreage and they need the land useable for their animals and the livelihood of their family. They believe this tile would significantly increase the flow of water to flood their land. After clarification of the direction of water flow for this drainage tile going to the south into the Stengel tile line which was permitted previously, the Arlt’s continued by stating the water from the blue line creek in which their livelihood and the existence of their family farm relies would be significantly reduced. They need the water for their livestock that they rely on for income and this tile would remove the water from the blue line.  
    Motion by Street and seconded by Buttke to table the permit until the October 1 meeting to allow the parties involved to meet at the Drainage office to discuss tile size and location of installation prior to the next meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
    Vice Chairman Mach vacated the Chairman position and Commissioner Stengel assumed the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.
    Drainage Permit DR2019-34 and DR2019-35 by Leslie Peters and Gary & Cheryl Lindeman in Section 3, Township 121, Range 48 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Grant County, South Dakota. (Melrose Township) The request, if granted, would allow more land to farm during wet years.
    This is a joint cooperative project for tile line installations and would promote a correction of the Lindeman tile project from 2005 with cooperation to outlet to the blue line creek with tile lines in patterns throughout the west part of the properties. Adjoining landowners are working together and staying within their own land, the wetland determinations are on file and there are not any road crossings to be considered. This is a full and approvable permit. During the public comment period, Kathy Tyler states that she wants the Board to remember Randy Schmieg’s concerns on drainage. Also, a letter was received from Floyd and Bernard Hermans requesting no tile and to keep the drainage natural. After further discussion, it was moved by Mach and seconded by Tostenson to approve DR2019-34 and DR2019-35 as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
    Drainage Permit DR2019-36 by Doug Wollschlager in SW1/4 of Section 10, Township 119, Range 47 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Grant County, South Dakota. (Vernon Township) The request, if granted, would improve the land. This cooperative project goes into the Loehrer and Will tiles with their approval on file. The ROW occupancy application will be heard later for the road bore. Determinations are on file and this is an approvable permit. No comment from the public was heard. Motion by Street and seconded by Mach to approve DR2019-36 as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
    Drainage Permit DR2019-37 by William Street in S1/2 NE1/4 of Section 16, Township 119, Range 49 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Grant County, South Dakota. (Madison Township) The request, if granted, would improve the land. Street recuses himself as he is involved in this cooperative permit. The Drainage Officer presented the permit as being in order like in the earlier presented permits for this group project. Buttke stated he had made a visit to the location and recommends approval with the statement that they should stay out of the right of way with their work. Motion by Buttke and seconded by Tostenson to approve DR2019-37 with the condition all work stays out of the ROW. Motion carried 4-0.  Commissioner Street rejoined the Drainage Board.
    Drainage Permit DR2019-38 by Doug Schneck, in the S1/2 SE1/4 of Section 31, Township 120, Range 48 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Grant County, South Dakota. (Alban Township) The request, if granted, would improve the ditch erosion. The permit would convert a ditch that is currently washing out to tile. The permit is in order with wetland determination and adjoining landowner signature of Alan Schneck on file. This permit is recommended for approval. No public comment was offered. Motion by Street and seconded by Mach to approve DR2019-38 as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
    Drainage Officer Atyeo-Gortmaker informed the Board a request had been presented to her for the installation of a culvert from Tom Wollschlager. This is a new culvert installation and in accordance to the FEMA requirements, any change affecting drainage should be presented to the Drainage Board.  Since no one was present from the township board, it was moved by Tostenson and seconded by Mach to table the request until the October 1 meeting. Motion carried 5-0.  
    This concluded the business for the Drainage Board. Chairman Stengel adjourned the Drainage Board and reconvened the Board of Commissioners.
    Tax Deed Sale: The tax deed sale was held at 9 AM on the first floor of the courthouse. At the public auction the following property was sold.
    Milbank: Parcel, Legal Description: Lot 7, Block 56, Original Townsite, City of Milbank. Sold to Kevin and Angel Mueller for $3,100.00.
    Milbank: Parcel, Legal Description: Lot 12, Block 65, Original Townsite, City of Milbank. Sold to Kevin and Angel Mueller for $1,000.00.
    Highway: Supt. Schultz requested approval for ROW occupancy applications from Doug Wollschlager and Bruce Granquist to either bore under or cut through the county road for their tiling project. Motion by Mach and seconded by Tostenson to approve ROW 2019-15 for Doug Wollschlager, Section 10 and 11, Township 119, Range 47, (Vernon) on 482nd Ave (Co. Rd 35) as presented by Supt Schultz. Motion carried 5-0. Motion by Mach and seconded by Street to approve ROW 2019-16 for Bruce Granquist in Section 15 and 16, Township 119, Range 49, (Madison) on 475th Ave (Co. Rd 25) as presented by Supt Schultz. Motion carried 5-0.
    Kaufman Slough: Supt. Schultz asked what direction the Commission is going to take with the Kaufman Slough water issue. Commissioner Street spoke on lowering the water level for the township and the county road with removing the tile installed by the county in the ROW and having an open ditch on the west side of the county road.  Supt Schultz reported he is still working on obtaining the elevation shots from Banner Engineering. The tile will be checked for any obstruction preventing the drainage flow of water.  
    480th Ave. by Jim Cummins: Supt. Schultz stated he had inspected the road and the intersection of 480th and 150th St. for a solution to traffic concerns. He suggested to install a stop ahead sign by the hill east of 480th Ave and a cross road sign south of 150th St and 480th Ave for north bound traffic.  Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Buttke to approve the sign installation as recommended by Supt. Schultz. Motion carried 5-0.
    BIG Award: The SD Transportation Commission approved two BIG grants in the amount of $20,100 each for the Preliminary Design for bridges #26-320-053 and 26-310-056.
    FEMA: The County has one bridge site that qualified for FEMA reimbursement funds from the March Disaster Event of 2019. The bridge is 26-330-107 located 4 miles southeast of Milbank between 152nd and 153rd St. on 482nd Ave. The Federal share award is $20,000 for the restoration of the bridge. Motion by Mach and seconded by Tostenson to approve Chairman Stengel to sign the State of SD Dept of Transportation Joint Powers Force Account Agreement for FEMA Project number ER6311 (10) PCN 07FQ for $20,000. Motion carried 5-0.
    5 Year Plan: The Commission reviewed the revised 5 Year Highway Plan based on the changes to the 2020 budget. The changes include the cost for health insurance reduced by $19,387, adding $35,000 due to the running rate of diesel, adding $175,000 for additional graveling, and adding $216,000 in contract labor as the county has to pay the project cost for the plans ready grant and then apply for reimbursement from the State. This is a net change in expense of $401,406.  The projected Road Levy for the County portion of $276,064 was moved from the General fund to be a designated source of revenue for the Highway Fund.  Reduced revenue by $16,000 as the exchange of labor with Deuel County for seal coating is not scheduled for 2020. The operating transfer of $2,033,966 from General Fund to the Highway Fund is needed to support the budget expense of $4,725,796. Motion by Mach and seconded by Buttke to adopt the 5 Year Plan as presented and to adopt the following resolution. Motion carried 5-0. Resolution adopted.
Grant County Resolution of Adoption
    WHEREAS, the South Dakota Department of Transportation Local Bridge and Improvement Grant Fund requires that in order to be eligible to apply for Bridge Improvement Grant funds, Counties are required to develop a five-year Highway and Bridge Improvement Plan, hereinafter referred to as Plan; and
    WHEREAS, Grant County has utilized the South Dakota Department of Transportation, County Staff, the First District Association of Local Governments, Townships, and the general public in developing the various components of the Plan; and
    WHEREAS, the Plan includes maps and lists identifying an inventory of highways and bridges, project needs, and revenue sources; and
    WHEREAS, Grant County held a public meeting on September 3, 2019 to solicit input into the Plan, and the citizens who attended expressed an interest in the Plan; and
    WHEREAS, the County will be able to use the Plan as a tool to budget for transportation enhancements and better coordinate transportation issues with other entities;
    Dated at Grant County, South Dakota this 24th day of September, 2019.
Doug Stengel
Grant County Commissioner Chair
ATTEST: Karen M. Layher    
Grant County Auditor         
    08/07, UPI, 2.419 (Ethanol), 2.22 (Diesel #2); Cenex, 2.52 (Ethanol), 2.35 (Diesel #2); UPI was the low bidder for Ethanol at 2.419 and for Diesel 2 at 2.22.
    08/15, UPI, 2.21 (Diesel #2); Cenex, 2.25 (Diesel #2); UPI was the low bidder for Diesel 2 at 2.21.
    08/26, UPI, 2.375 (Ethanol), 2.25 (Diesel #2); Cenex, 2.32 (Ethanol), 2.30 (Diesel #2); Cenex was the low bidder for Ethanol at 2.32 and UPI was the low bidder for Diesel 2 at 2.25.
    Sheriff: Kevin Owen reported the August statistics as follows: Average Daily inmate population 5.58; Number of bookings 18; Work release money collected $1,000.00; 24/7 Preliminary Breath Test (PBT) fees collected $319.00; SCRAM (alcohol detecting bracelet) fees collected $516.00; 24/7 PBT participants 4; SCRAM (Sobriety Program) participants 3; Calls for Service (does not include walk-in traffic) 447; Accidents investigated 4; Civil papers served 62; Cumulative miles traveled 7,887; 911 calls responded to (including Milbank) 118. Travel: Motion by Mach and seconded by Street to approve travel for Deputies Leusink and Folk to attend Annual Coroner Training in Sioux Falls. Motion carried 5-0. New Hire: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Buttke to approve the hiring of Ryan Bakeberg as Deputy Sheriff effective today at a rate of $21.65 per hour. Motion carried 5-0.
    Treasurer: Raynelle Mueller discussed a tax deed in the process of being taken by the County. She requested permission to draft a payment plan with the landowner in Big Stone City to pay the delinquent taxes by the end if 2019. Motion by Street and seconded by Tostenson to authorize Treasurer Mueller to work with the taxpayer for the collection of the delinquent taxes by December 31, 2019. Motion carried 5-0.
    Travel: Motion by Street and seconded by Buttke to approve travel expenses for 4-H Advisor Sara Koepke to Annual Conference in Brookings. Motion carried 5-0.
    Cash Transfers: Motion by Street and seconded by Buttke to approve the cash transfer as per the 2019 budget.  Motion carried 5-0.
101 General      201 Highway Fund                        250,000
    Unfinished Business: None   
    New Business: Commissioner Street reported on an education session he had attended at Convention in Pierre presented by LTAP on weight limit versus speed limits during spring thaw.  He suggested to have the presentation presented in Grant County for the Commission, township boards or the General public for educational purposes. The Commission will consider action on the proposal at an October meeting.   
    Correspondence: None
    Economic Development: Executive Director reported her board had met with Toby Morris for a discussion of Tax Increment Financing and reported on the classes being offered through Lake Area Vo-tech for college credits.  
    Scott Amundson from the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, explained the sales and use tax rebate program for ag development projects approved through the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process. Created in 2013, GOED has two existing sales and use tax rebate programs, the Reinvestment Payment and South Dakota Job Programs. These programs have been used to help projects in the manufacturing, wind energy, and ag processing industries. In 2019, the capabilities of the programs were extended to livestock development projects. The sales and use tax paid to the State on an approved project would be returned to the County to be used as needed by the County.  
    Executive Session: Motion by Buttke and seconded by Street to enter into executive session at 11:20 AM for the purpose of a personnel issue pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 (1). Motion carried 5-0. Auditor Layher was present. Chairman Stengel declared the meeting open to the public at 11:34 AM. No action taken.
    Consent: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Buttke to approve the consent agenda.  Motion carried 5-0.
    1.Approve plat:
    It was moved by Commissioner Tostenson, seconded by Commissioner Buttke, motion carried that the LOT 1 OF MITCHELL RUFER ADDITION, LOCATED IN OUTLOT F IN NW1/4 OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 118 NORTH, RANGE 49 WEST OF THE 5TH P.M., GRANT COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, as described above and hereon be approved and accepted and the Chairman is hereby instructed to endorse on such plat this resolution and to certify the same.
Doug Stengel, Chairman
Board of Commissioners
Grant County, South Dakota
    It was moved by Commissioner Tostenson, seconded by Commissioner Buttke, motion carried that the aforementioned plat: OTTER TAIL POWER ADDITION LOT 1 LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 118 N., RANGE 48 WEST OF THE 5TH P.M., GRANT COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, be approved and accepted and the Chairman is hereby instructed to endorse on said plat this resolution and to certify the same.
Doug Stengel, Chairman
Board of Commissioners
    2. Approve step increase for Deputy Auditor Stephanie Pauli to 6 month rate of $17.10 effective 10-01-19
    3. Approve appointment of Stephanie Pauli as the 4-H liaison to replace Joan Czmowski for the year 2019
    4. Approve Clarice Robertson as County Library volunteer effective September 12, 2019
    5. Declare surplus a 15 foot wing mower, fixed asset number 12414; 1991 Mack Tractor CH613, fixed asset 12706; (3) copies of Attachment software, fixed asset 08090; Windows 7 licenses, fixed asset 00017; Install 1997 software Conversion to GT 3 system, fixed asset 07938; (3) PS2 keyboards, not on fixed assets; (3) USB keyboards, not on fixed assets
    6. Approve lease agreement with State of SD for office space for the Dept of Ag for $120 per month
    7. Volunteers for Snowmobile Club for 2019 were recognized as per SDCL 62-1-5.1 and it is the intent of the Grant County Commission to cover these volunteers for work comp purposes. The list is on file at the Auditor’s Office.
    P & Z: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Mach to instruct the Planning and Zoning Board to review a proposed draft on solar energy and to present a recommendation on an addition to the zoning ordinance on solar energy. Motion carried 5-0.  
    2020 Budget: The Commission reviewed the proposed changes to the 2020 budget in preparation of the adoption on September 30. Motion by Tostenson and seconded Buttke to authorize the revisions to the Provisional Budget as presented with the revisions to be listed in the minutes when the budgeted is adopted on September 30. Motion carried 5-0.
    Claims: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Buttke to approve the claims as presented.  Motion carried 5-0. A-OX WELDING SUPPLY, supplies 15.87; ABDO PUBLISHING, books 108.69; BANNER ASSOCIATES, prof. services 35,016.75; BERENS WAREHOUSE, supplies 436.11; BORNS GROUP, mailing expense 1,125.18; BRENDA L HOLTQUIST, prof services 84.00; BUREAU OF INFORMATION, internet & email 532.00; CENTER POINT, books 161.20; CENTURYLINK, phone 595.29; CHS, ethanol 2,049.74; COLEPAPERS, supplies 146.53; CONSOLIDATED READY MIX, gravel 3,048.90; CRAIG DEBOER, prof. services 44.52; CREATIVE EDUCATION, books 122.34; CRIMESTAR CORP, computer software 1,550.00; DELORES KELLY, prof. services 160.00; DENISON BROTHERS, ad 100.00; DIESEL MACHINERY, repair 13,981.99; FISHER SAND & GRAVEL, hwy project 16,336.37; FLOWER SHOPPE,  supplies 53.25; FREMAREK, supplies 61.05; GATEHOUSE MEDIA SD, periodicals 172.00; GOVERNORS INN, motel 497.00; GRANT COUNTY REVIEW, publishing 306.00; GRAJCZYK LAW OFFICE, mental illness bd 142.50; GRANT-ROBERTS RURAL, water usage 36.40; HARTMAN’S, prisoner meals & supplies 613.53; HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT, asphalt 116,197.50; INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES, books 841.47; INTER-LAKES COMMUNITY ACTION, worker 2,337.17; ITC, internet 1220.69; JASON LIEBE, prof. services 1,300.00; JOAN CZMOWSKI, pay corr 52.00; JOURNEY GROUP COMP, hwy projects 265,088.37; KEVIN MEYER, supplies 59.80; LEWIS FAMILY DRUG, supplies 42.95; LOCATORS AND SUPPLIES, supplies 25.75; MCLEOD’S PRINTING & OFFICE, supplies 547.71; MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS, scanner rent 472.00; MICROMARKETING, supplies 45.99; MIDCONTINENT COMM, internet 90.53; MILBANK AREA HOSPITAL, meals 291.75; MILBANK WINWATER WORKS, bridge materials 428.99; MOMAR, supplies 175.14; MOTION PICTURE LICENSING, supplies 136.31; NORTHWESTERN ENERGY, natural gas 14.40; NOVAK SANITARY SERVICE, shredding service 57.86; OFFICE PEEPS, supplies, furniture 437.51; OTTER TAIL POWER, electricity 3,389.10; PETTY CASH, postage 7.32; POSTMASTER, postage 55.00; QUICK PRO LUBE, supplies 19.98; RC TECHNOLOGIES, 911 transport & tower rent 95.96; REGENCY MIDWEST VENTURES, motel 1,623.00; RELX, online charges 727.00; RUNNINGS SUPPLY, supplies 196.42; SAFETY-KLEEN SYSTEMS, supplies 234.26; SANDRA FONDER, prof. services 50.00; SD DEPT OF HEALTH, blabs 365.00; SD DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, teletype 2,340.00; SEEHAFER HARDWARE, supplies 7.55; STATE OF SD, supplies 34.50; STERN OIL COMPANY, supplies 4,284.14; TRAPP PLUMBING, repair 997.71; TRUENORTH STEEL, culvert 54,290.39; TWIN VALLEY TIRE, tire repair 42.15; TYLER TECHNOLOGIES, prof. services 2,500.00; UPI PETROLEUM, diesel 5,864.90; VALLEY OFFICE PRODUCTS, supplies 504.24; VALLEY SHOPPER, publishing 26.58; VERIZON WIRELESS, hotspot 38.52; VISA, gas, supplies, books 559.23;WHETSTONE HOME CENTER, supplies 37.04; WHETSTONE VALLEY ELECTRIC, electricity & supplies 828.15; WILBUR ELLIS AIR, weed chemicals 3,395.60; WILLIAM E. COESTER, mental illness bd 200.00; WITTROCK & SON, garbage service 332.50; XEROX, copier rent 864.04. TOTAL: 551,271.38
    SDACO, ROD modernization fee 294.00; SD DEPT OF REVENUE, monthly fees 151,824.44; SD DEPT OF REVENUE, sales & use tax 198.71. TOTAL: $152,317.15.
    It is the policy of Grant County, South Dakota, not to discriminate against the handicapped in employment or the provision of service.
    The next scheduled meeting dates will be Monday, September 30, 2019 at 8 AM.  Motion by Buttke and seconded by Mach to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned.
          /s/ Doug Stengel, Chairman, Grant County 260.42..
/s/ Karen M. Layher,
Grant County Auditor                   
    Published once at an approximate cost of $260.42


Grant County Review

Grant County Review
P.O. Box 390
Milbank, SD 57252
(605) 432-4516

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