Milbank School District Board Proceedings • December 14, 2020

Milbank School District Board Proceedings


December 14, 2020
President Richard Schwandt called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM in the Board room of the High School Building.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Members present were Upton, Christensen, Thue, and Schwandt. Stengel was absent. Superintendent Justin Downes and Business Manager Nancy Meyer were also in attendance.   Guests present were Dan Snaza, Kris Evje, Keri Schliesman, David Graf, Deb Hemmer, Ryan Scoular, and Ginny Tostenson.
Motion by Thue and seconded by Upton to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried. 4-0
No one addressed the Board during the Community Input Session.
Other Discussion Items were: State Budget Address/Legislative Session, and Covid-19/SDHSAA Discussion.
Motion by Christensen and seconded by Thue to approve the consent agenda.  Motion carried 4-0.  Items included were:
       Approve minutes of the November meeting.  
Receive Business Manager Financial Reports
Business Manager’s Monthly Report: General Fund: Balance 11-1-20, $3,051,135.07. Revenues: Taxes, $922,623.46; Interest, $525.00; Admissions, $1,483.52; Local Misc, $16,370.04; Medicaid Admin, $6,434.07; County Apportionment, $294.67; State Aid, $204,816.00; Federal Sources, $9,556.66. Expenditures: Salaries-Instructional, $281,930.25; Salaries-Support Services, $114,281.77; Salaries-Co-curricular, $24,627.97; Benefits-Instructional, $73,454.65; Benefits, Support Services, $35,947.54; Benefits-Co-curricular, $3,497.75; Purchased Services, $115,663.69; Supplies, $37,752.29. Journal Entries, $155,496.12. Balance 11-30-20, $3,681,578.70.
Capital Outlay Fund: Balance 11-1-20, $601,481.04. Revenues: Taxes, $573,300.02; Interest, $103.41. Expenditures: Purchased Services, $10,288.70; Supplies, $106,202.82; Capital Acquisitions, $4,067.22. Journal Entries, ($154,700.00). Balance 11-30-20, $899,625.73.
Special Education Fund: Balance 11-1-20, $1.58. Revenues: Taxes, $514,697.13; Medicaid Admin, $1,162.00; Medicaid Direct Services, $9,264.01; State Aid, $10,824.00. Expenditures: Salaries-Instructional, $85,116.82; Salaries-Support Services, $41,084.86; Benefits-Instructional, $8,387.46; Benefits-Support Services, $6,615.26; Purchased Services, $39,344.97; Supplies, $731.78. Journal Entries, ($59,849.39). Balance 11-30-20, $249,818.18.
Bond Redemption Fund: Balance 11-1-20, $166,304.73. Revenues: Taxes, $380,176.18. Interest, $28.59. Balance 11-30-20, $546,509.50. 
Capital Projects Fund: Balance 11-1-20, $636,592.60. Revenues: Interest, $2.04. Expenditures: Capital Acquisitions, $791,215.71. Journal Entries, $154,700.00. Balance 11-30-20, $78.93.
Lunch Fund: Balance 11-1-20, $178,803.24. Revenues: Student Meals, $1,057.70; Adult Meals, $2,702.15; Ala Carte Sales, $637.15; Federal Sources, $27,304.05. Expenditures: Salaries-Support Services, $27,651.18; Benefits-Instructional, $8,843.82; Purchased Services, $1,364.66; Supplies, $31,593.74. Journal Entries, $6,053.51. Balance 11-30-20, $147,104.40.
Enterprise Fund: Balance 11-1-20, $31,949.49. Revenues: OST Fees, $5,302.58. Expenditures: Salaries-Support Services, $5,900.53; Benefits-Support Services, $747.47; Purchased Services, $102.86; Capital Acquisitions, $340.02. Balance 11-30-20, $30,161.19.
Trust & Agency Fund: Balance 11-1-20, $370,127.64. Revenues, $69,535.33. Expenditures, $32,743.85. Balance 11-30-20, $406,919.12.
Approval of Bills presented for payment.
Bills Presented for Payment: Advanced Technologies, Supplies, $64.50; AED Superstore, AEDs, $4,428.00; Amazon Capital Services, Supplies, $1,332.32; Aaron Anderson, Repairs, $132.65; ASBSD, Registration, $25.00; Berens Grocery, Supplies, $97.57; Sheila Bien, Lunch Refund, $182.95; Big Stone Therapies, Therapy Services, $13,336.16; Bimbo Bakeries, Food, $758.83; BMO Harris, Supplies/Repairs, $3,483.08; David Boerger, Lunch Refund, $203.90; BSN Sports, Supplies, $1,318.76; Kate Capp, Lunch Refund, $89.40; Cash-Wa Distributing, Food, $5,222.36; Century Business Products, Copier Payment, $2,552.62; Chase Card Services, Supplies, $2,424.71; Children’s Care Hospital & School, Tuition, $5,100.00; Sandra Christensen, Lunch Refund, $180.84; Churchill Manolis Freeman Kludt & Burns, Attorney Fees, $621.49; Combined Building Specialties, Bleachers, $2,341.00; Culinex, Supplies, $216.48; Dacotah Paper, Supplies, $2,708.53; DeFea Transportation, Busing, $55,495.73; Demoulin Bros, Supplies, $1,085.00; Dramatists Play Service, Supplies, $177.25; East Side Jersey Dairy, Milk, $2,788.14; Karen Eckland, Lunch Refund, $22.65; ELABO, Dues, $60.00; Jaecy Engebretson, Coaching Classes, $70.00; Cindy Essington, Lunch Refund, $95.30; Kimberly Folk, Lunch Refund, $222.70; Sandra Fonder, Professional Services, $220.00; Food-N-Fuel, Fuel, $314.57; Julie French, Lunch Refund, $92.55; G&R Controls, Building Improvements, $26,320.00; Katie Gilmore, Travel, $336.00; Grant County Review, Publications, $213.85; Jim Hartman, Lunch Refund, $23.80; Hartmans Family Foods, Food, $5.96; Hauff Mid-America Sports, Supplies, $6,345.80; Hillyard, Supplies, $5,420.16; Nancy Hoeke, Lunch Refund, $130.00; Impact Applications, Software, $240.00; Imprest Fund, Travel, $252.00; Imprest Fund, Professional Services, $820.85; Innovative Office Solutions, Furniture/Supplies, $151,172.98; Interstate Power Systems, Repairs, $722.42; ITC, Telephone, $479.60; Audra Johnson, Lunch Refund, $58.60; Dina Johnson, Lunch Refund, $84.85; Jostens, Supplies, $4,024.40; JW Pepper, Supplies, $2,094.89; Jesse Krause, First Aid, $35.00; Kreg Tool, Supplies, $185.96; KSB School Law, Registration, $1,000.00; KXLG-FM, Advertising, $300.00; Lori Leddy, Lunch Refund, $148.30; Brian or Gloria Lohre, Lunch Refund, $23.70; Lesa Mertens, Lunch Refund, $37.15; Nancy Meyer, Lunch Refund, $122.10; Milbank Community Transit, Bus Service, $389.00; Milbank School Lunch Program, Supervisor Meals, $1,163.30; Milbank School Lunch, Student Workers, $132.00; NCS Pearson, Testing Supplies, $255.75; Nelson Electric, Repairs, $1,051.69; Northwestern Energy, Natural Gas, $3,490.88; Office Advantage, Printer Maintenance, $442.24; OtterTail Power, Lights/Power, $22,681.71; Parent, Mileage, $470.40; Parent, Mileage, $22.36; Lorena Pedraza-Lozano, Professional Services, $230.00; Plunkett’s Pest Control, Grounds Upkeep, $100.60; Popp Binding & Laminating, Supplies, $699.75; Praxair Distribution, Supplies, $958.42; Professional Hearing Services, Supplies, $10.00; Shawna Przybycien, Lunch Refund, $56.90; Deb Rausch, Professional Services, $1,657.50; Cheryl Reiter, Supplies, $59.69; Isabel Reyes, Background Check, $65.00; Riddell/All American, Supplies, $55.83; Holly Riley, Lunch Refund, $96.80; Mindy Rogers, $21.85; Runnings Supply, Supplies, $48.13; Sanford Health Plan, HSA Fees, $62.00; Sarlettes Music, Repairs, $721.55; Jennifer Schulte, Coaching Class, $35.00; SDAMLE, Registration, $100.00; SD Dept of Labor, Professional Services, $748.16; SD Dept of Human Services, Residential Services, $6,324.94; SD DOE Food Distribution Program, Food, $889.92; SDHSAA, Professional Services, $197.89; Ginger Seehafer, Lunch Refund, $193.85; Star Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Supplies, $627.60; Sturdevant Auto Parts, Supplies, $40.95; Tri State Water, Supplies, $50.75; TSA Consulting, Professional Services, $50.00; Tubbs of Soft Water, Supplies, $255.60; Shannon Tyler, Lunch Refund, $38.35; Unity Square, Professional Services, $490.00; US Bank, Interest, $289,610.00; US Foods, Food, $19,145.46; Lynn Van Sambeek, Lunch Refund, $73.40; Verizon Wireless, Phone Services, $48.39; Whetstone Home Center, Supplies, $2,759.48; Wittrock & Son, Garbage Collection, $682.50. 
Transfer of $154,700 from Capital Outlay to Capital Projects
A second reading of Board Policy ACAA was held.  Motion by Upton and seconded by Christensen to approve Policy ACAA.  Motion carried. 4-0
Motion by Thue and seconded by Upton to increase wages for Landon Brown, Mason Cordingley, and Jack Sandvig to $9.45 as of January 1, 2021.  Motion carried. 4-0
Motion by Thue and seconded by Christensen to approve the Supplemental Budget regarding Covid-19 Relief funding.  Motion carried. 4-0
Resolution No. 20201214
Adoption of Supplemental Budget FY2020-21: 
Insert 2 col chart
Let it be resolved, that the School Board of the Milbank School District, in accordance with SDCL 13-11-3.2 and after duly considering the proposed supplemental budget, hereby approves and adopts the following supplemental budget in total:
/s/Richard Schwandt
Presiding Officer
/s/ Nancy M. Meyer
Business Manager
Reports were received by High School Principal Dan Snaza, Middle School Principal/Special Services Director Kris Evje, Elementary Special Education Director Keri Schliesman, and Elementary Principal, Dave Graf.
Superintendent Downes reported on:
1. Enrollment
2. FFVP – Additional $3,149.00 for a total of $31,875.
Motion by Thue and seconded by Upton to enter executive session according to SDCL 1-25-2 for negotiations, personnel, and student issues at 6:55 PM.  Motion carried. 4-0
Chairman Schwandt declared executive session over at 7:35 PM.
Motion by Upton and seconded by Stengel to adjourn at 7:40 PM.  Motion carried. 4-0
The next School Board meeting will be held Monday, January 11, 2021 at 6:00 PM in the Board Room of the High School Building.  
/s/ Richard Schwandt
/s/ Nancy M. Meyer
Business Manager
Published once at an approximate cost of $126.66.


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Grant County Review
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