Milbank School District Board Proceedings • November 9, 2020
Milbank School District Board Proceedings
November 9, 2020
President Richard Schwandt called the meeting to order at 6:07 PM in the board room of the high school building. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Members present were Upton, Christensen, Stengel, Schwandt and Thue (via phone). Superintendent Justin Downes and Business Manager Nancy Meyer were also in attendance. Guests present were Dan Snaza, Kris Evje, Keri Schliesman, David Graf, Deb Hemmer, Ryan Scoular, Josh Schmeichel and Brandon Peery.
Motion by Christensen and seconded by Upton to approve the agenda with the addition of Action Item G. Approve the Resignation of Brad Olson as Driver’s Education Instructor and Executive Session SDCL 1-25-2 (legal matters). Motion carried. 5-0
No one addressed the Board during the Community Input Session.
MEA President Josh Schmeichel presented this year’s True Friends of Education Recognition to the national Guard 740th for their very generous assistance during the moving process from Koch School. Brandon Peery accepted the award on behalf of the 740th.
Other Discussion Items were: Koch School Updates, SDHSAA Updates, Snow Days, Rapid Tests, CRF Funds, Policy ACA Title IX Policy ACAA (First Reading).
Motion by Upton and seconded by Stengel to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried 5-0. Items included were:
Approve minutes of the October meeting.
Receive Business Manager Financial Reports
Business Manager’s Monthly Report: General Fund: Balance 10-1-20, $3,314,028.41. Revenues: Taxes, $249,383.88; Interest, $594.37; Local Misc, $5,466.24; County Apportionment, $12,400.56; State Aid, $236,140.00; Federal Sources, $5,788.00. Expenditures: Salaries-Instructional, $280,046.85; Salaries-Support Services, $104,981.41; Salaries- Co-curricular, $23,132.96; Benefits-Instructional, $74,931.59; Benefits-Support Services, $34,761.46; Benefits- Co-curricular, $3,280.05; Purchased Services, $110,148.52; Supplies, $49,460.55; Other, $8,423.00. Journal Entries, ($81,000.00). Balance 10-31-20, $3,053,635.07.
Capital Outlay Fund: Balance 10-1-20, $567,274.10. Revenues: Taxes, $82,434.23; Interest, $101.74; Misc Income, $5,703.00. Expenditures: Purchased Services, $23,228.96; Supplies, $23,865.47; Capital Acquisitions, $6,937.60. Balance 10-31-20, $601,481.04.
Special Education Fund: Balance 10-1-20, $15,241.58. Revenues: Taxes, $73,861.14; Interest, $2.73; Misc Income, $152.14; State Aid, $10,824.00. Expenditures: Salaries-Instructional, $87,249.67; Salaries-Support Services, $22,778.94; Benefits-Instructional, $25,827.66; Benefits-Support Services, $6,539.95; Purchased Services, $37,419.08; Supplies, $1,264.71. Journal Entries, $81,000.00. Balance 10-31-20, $1.58.
Bond Redemption Fund: Balance 10-1-20, $112,157.82. Revenues: Taxes, $54,126.79; Interest, $20.12. Balance 10-31-20, $166,304.73.
Capital Projects Fund: Balance 10-1-20, $657,114.05. Revenues: Interest, $5.40. Expenditures: Capital Acquisitions, $20,526.85. Balance 10-31-20, $636,592.60.
Lunch Fund: Balance 10-1-20, $188,673.08. Revenues: Student Meals, $15,843.79; Adult Meals, $2,863.70; Ala Carte Sales, $608.74; Misc Income, $.35; Federal Sources, $31,514.23. Expenditures: Salaries-Support Services, $27,292.43; Benefits-Support Services, $8,779.48; Purchased Services, $197.50; Supplies, $24,431.24. Balance 10-31-20, $178,803.24.
Enterprise Fund: Balance 10-1-20, $26,141.19. Revenues: OST Fees, $5,056.53; State Revenue, $6,810.00. Expenditures: Salaries-Instructional, $5,050.72; Benefits-Support Services, $650.34; Purchased Services, $105.91; Supplies, $251.26. Balance 10-31-20, $31,949.49.
Trust & Agency Fund: Balance 10-1-20, $379,795.96. Revenues, $14,615.16; Expenditures, $24,283.48. Balance 10-31-20, $370.127.64.
Approval of Bills presented for payment.
Bills Presented for Payment: Amazon Capital Services, Supplies, $1,655.69; Brenda Anderson, Professional Services, $100.00; ASBSD, Registration, $50.00; Berens Grocery, Supplies, $147.93; Big Stone Therapies, Therapy Services, $25,578.42; Bimbo Bakeries, Food, $939.24; BMO Harris Card, Supplies/Postage/Travel, $7,016.55; Camfel Productions, Student Development, $590.00; Cash-Wa Distribution, Food, $1,553.45; Century Business Products, Copier Payment, $2,299.02; Chase Card, Supplies, $890.66; Children’s Care Hospital & School, Tuition, $6,300.00; City of Milbank, Water/Sewer, $2,084.90; Coates Piano Service, Piano Tuning, $935.00; Coester Schwandt Law Office, Professional Services, $33.28; Dacotah Paper, Supplies, $265.20; DeFea Transportation, Bus Services, $60,872.46; Dewey’s Lawn Care, Repairs, $802.00; Justin Downes, Staff Travel, $158.24; Tina Dreis, Lunch Refund, $166.60; East Side Jersey Dairy, Milk, $2,124.30; Edgenuity, Instructional Software, $19,165.00; ESTR Publications, Testing Supplies, $46.00; Farm & Home Publishers, Supplies, $57.00; Flinn Scientific, Supplies, $203.06; Food-N-Fuel, Fuel, $646.98; G&R Controls, Building Improvements, $3,935.00; Grant County Review, Publications, $153.58; Grant Roberts Ambulance Service, Professional Services, $270.00; Hasslen Construction, Building Project, $791,215.71; Hauff Mid-America Sports, Supplies, $14,149.58; Hillyard, Supplies/Repairs, $7,337.98; Imprest Fund, Registration, $294.00; Imprest Fund, Professional Services, $3,555.00; Imprest Fund, Travel, $540.00; Innovative Office Solutions, Supplies, $1,457.77; Interstate Battery, Supplies, $256.02; ITC, Telephone Services, $492.03; JW Pepper, Supplies, $149.99; Kelly’s Kutters, Grounds Upkeep, $210.00; Lifetouch, Elem Yearbook, $2,326.63; Liminex, Software, $1,580.00; McGraw Hill, Textbooks, $1,516.34; McKesson Medical Surgical, Supplies, $579.09; Mid-American Research Chemical, Supplies, $2,242.71; Midwest Alarm, Supplies, $5,511.21; Milbank Chamber of Commerce, Dues, $125.00; Milbank Community Transit, Bus Service, $454.00; Milbank High School, Services, $200.00; Milbank School Lunch Program, Adult Meals, $1,559.30; Milbank School Lunch, Student Workers, $234.00; NCS Pearson, Supplies, $156.00; Nelson Electric, Repairs, $5,758.93; Northwestern Energy, Natural Gas, $2,157.45; Office Advantage, Printer Maintenance, $428.89; OtterTail Power, Lights/Power, $25,098.07; Parent, Mileage, $470.40; Parent, Mileage, $33.54; Paxton Patterson, Supplies, $20.30; Deborah Rausch, Professional Services, $1,601.40; Riverside Technologies, Technology Supplies/Services, $1,119.00; Sanford Health Plan, HSA Fees, $62.00; Sarlettes Music, Repairs, $420.38; Scholastic Magazines, Subscriptions, $485.92; Jennifer Schulte, Lunch Refund, $284.05; SD Dept of Human Services, Residential Services, $6,120.91; SD DOE Food Distribution Program, Food, $1,731.74; Katie Sinner, Supplies, $37.27; Social Thinking, Supplies, $127.10; Star Laundry, Cleaning Service, $317.58; Street Graphex, Supplies, $1,260.38; Sterling Computers, Chromebooks, $73,306.25; Thompson Mechanical, Repairs, $6,369.08; Mick Thompson, Travel, $36.52; Tri State Water, Water/Cooler, $42.90; TSA Consulting, Professional Services, $50.00; Twin Valley Tire, Vehicle Maintenance, $102.45; US Foods, Food, $24,862.80; Verizon, Phone Service, $102.86; Wittrock & Son, Garbage Collection, $882.50.
Motion by Christensen and seconded by Stengel to approve the 2021-2022 School Calendar. Motion carried. 5-0
Motion by Stengel and seconded by Upton to approve the hiring of Hunter Pulscher as MS Football Coach at $2,649. Motion carried. 5-0
Motion by Upton and seconded to approve the hiring of Karla DeVaal as Gymnastics Coach. Motion carried. 5-0
Motion by Christensen and seconded by Upton to approve the hiring of Mason Cordingley as an OST worker at $9.35 per hour. Motion carried. 5-0
Motion by Christensen and seconded by Stengel to appoint Richard Schwandt to the Delegate Assembly. Motion carried. 5-0
Reports were received by High School Principal Dan Snaza, Middle School Principal/Special Services Director Kris Evje, Elementary Special Education Director Keri Schliesman, and Elementary Principal, Dave Graf.
Superintendent Downes reported on:
1. Watertown Superintendent Meeting Update.
3. Free Lunch
4. NPIP Dividend of $101,700.24
Motion by Stengel and seconded by Upton to enter executive session according to SDCL 1-25-2 for legal matters at 7:37 PM. Motion carried. 5-0
Chairman Schwandt declared executive session over at 8:39 PM.
Motion by Upton and seconded by Stengel to adjourn at 8:40 PM. Motion carried. 5-0
The next School Board meeting will be held Monday, December 14, 2020 at 6:00 PM in the board room of the high school building.
/s/ Richard Schwandt
/s/ Nancy M. Meyer
Business Manager