Summit School District 54-6 Board Proceedings
Summit School District 54-6 Board Proceedings
February 12, 2020
Members present: Lisa Amdahl, Mark Miller, Joe Johnston, Carrie Rauen and Ferdy Zirbel. Absent: none. Also present: Mike Schmidt, Beth Hills, Andi Ward and Becky Hubsch.
At 6:01 p.m. Chairman Zirbel called the meeting to order. No Conflict of Interest was recognized.
20085 Motion by Johnston Second by Rauen approve the agenda as written. All voted aye. Motion carried.
Public Communications: Beth Hills discussed success with current student from SDSU completing their student teaching hours, and she also discussed 9th -11th graders have a chance to participate in a Washington D.C. trip in 2021 through fundraising program.
20086 Motion by Rauen Second by Amdahl to approve the January 15, 2020 minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried.
20087 Motion by Miller Second by Johnston to approve the financial statements. All voted aye. Motion carried.
20088 Motion by Amdahl Second by Miller to approve the monthly claims for the month of February 2020. All voted aye.
A & S HARDWARE HANK transportation supplies 6.33; CENTURY BUSINESS copies 289.62; CNA SURETY business manager surety bond 100.00; COFFEE CUP transportation fuel 2,627.07; GRANT COUNTY REVIEW publication 76.38; GUESSWEIN MOTORS INC transportation supplies 242.10; HILLYARD INC custodian supplies 2,660.75; HOWARD, ANTHONY reimburse basketball supplies 153.09; IMPREST transportation, trophies, Otter Tail, Propane tank rental 4,928.50; NESC services 20.28; NORTHSIDE IMPLEMENT transportation supplies 183.21; NORTHSTAR MECHANICAL furnace service 202.51; QUAM BERGLIN & POST, P.C 2019 audit 9,600.00; RC TECHNOLOGIES phone services 274.14; REPORTER & FARMER cross country trophies 178.40; TIME MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS business services 96.00; TOWN OF SUMMIT water garbage sewer 362.33; TRI STATE WATER salt 369.55; VISA play, ost, AD training 265.00; WALMART STORES ost supplies 80.49; PAYROLL salaries 93,709.41 benefits 18,478.62
Fund Total 138,903.78
CENTURY BUSINESS lease 370.05; ELITE SIGNS GRAPHIX cross country banners 312.00; HM RECEIVABLES CO curriculum 60.40; IMPREST athletic, library, classroom equipment 3,670.66; VISA play equipment 124.56;
Fund Total 4,537.67
NESC services 4,827.84; PAYROLL salaries 9,691.05; benefits 1,961.18
Fund Total 16,480.07
BERNARD food 588.90; CWD food 5,259.88; DEAN FOODS food 995.45; EARTHGRAINS BAKING food 276.56; HYVEE food 32.76; THOMPSON MECHANICAL cooler repair 785.03; VISA food 32.76; WALMART STORES kitchen food 43.47; PAYROLL salaries 4,438.54; benefits 601.48
Fund Total 13,054.83
TOTAL 172,976.35
Superintendent’s Report: Recognized the Summit School Board during School Board Appreciation Week; Discussed legislation and bills impacting education. Civil Rights review to be held in March; Girls’ basketball added a game to roster on February 20th in Wakpala; Yearbooks are on presale for $20; All-Star Basketball game will be held at the Summit School Gymnasium on March 28th; Class registration for school year 2020-2021 will be held for grades 8-11 on March 18th from 6-8 p.m.; Culture day and parent teacher conferences are scheduled to be held on March 10th from 2-8pm; and middle school students will participate in a longitudinal study.
Business Officer’s Report: Informed the Board in January the kitchen cooler needed to be repaired and an insurance claim was submitted for the food lost and repair cost of the unit; Recognized David Zirbel for being the recipient of an America’s Farmers Grow Communities donation for Roberts County for the amount of $2,500 which he has selected the Summit Elementary to be the recipient of the donation; Mrs. Hubsch will participate in the Northern Plains Insurance Pool meeting on March 18; 2019 audit from Quam, Berglin & Post P.C has been accepted by the state; Students with the OST program participated in the Afterschool Day at the Capitol and met with many representatives; and Mrs. Hubsch acknowledged Carrie Rauen and Joe Johnston are both up for a 3 year board term this year.
Dean of Students Report: Discussed working with local businesses to become participants in Project Skills; Mrs. Ward participated in Smarter Balance Assessment Training; and gave a presentation on NWEA Maps data showing classroom data between fall and winter assessments.
20089 Motion by Johnston Second by Rauen to Enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel, (SDCL 1-25-2:1) at 6:50 p.m. Chairman Zirbel declares them out of executive session at 7:11 p.m.
20090 Motion by Amdahl Second by Rauen to approve administrative contracts to Michael Schmidt as Superintendent, Becky Hubsch as Business Manager, and Andi Ward as Dean of Students for school year 2020-2021. All voted aye. Motion carried.
20091 Motion by Rauen Second by Miller to approve the DSS Application of Afterschool Program. All voted aye. Motion carried.
20092 Motion by Amdahl Second by Johnston to approve 2019 Audit from Quam, Berglin 7 Post PC. All voted aye. Motion carried.
20093 Motion by Rauen Second by Miller to adjourn the February meeting at 7:19 p.m. All voted aye. Motion carried.
The next regular scheduled board meeting will be on Monday, March 9, at 6:00 p.m. in the School Library.
/s/ Chairman
/s/ Business Manager