Town of Twin Brooks Proceedings
Town of Twin Brooks Council Proceedings
The Town of Twin Brooks conducted its monthly meeting August 13, 2019 with Wiseman, Porath and Wellnitz in attedance. Wiseman called the meeting to order, Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The board approved using Jackson Schwandt as Town’s Attorney.
Railroad Avenue’s culvert repair, Townhall’s water line repair and Town tiling plans were discussed.
A complaint about keeping an alley access open was sent to the board by “Certified Mail.” A proposal to vacate all alleys in the Town’s limits was discussed and the board will take up this issue at the next meeting.
Bills to be paid: Grant County Review 10.81, Twin Valley Tire 56.00, Kibble Equipment 196.66, Grand Roberts Rural Water 48.00, Otter Tail Power 489.95, Postmaster 55.00.
Meeting was adjourned and seconded. Next meeting is set for September 10, 2019 at 7:30 p.m.
Paul T. Spolar
Finance Officer
Published once at an approximate cost of $10.18.