Town of Twin Brooks Proceedings
Town of Twin Brooks Council Proceedings
The Town of Twin Brooks conducted its monthly meeting October 10, 2019, with Wiseman, Porath and Wellnitz in attendance. Wiseman called the meeting to order. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
A motion was made by Porath and seconded by Wiseman to approve the finance report.
A motion was made by Porath and seconded by Wellnitz to republish Ordinance #4 and to start enforcement actions.
Ordinance #4
An Ordinance of the
Town of Twin Brooks
Concerning Abandoned Vehicles
The Town of Twin Brooks prohibits the parking of abandoned (undriveable) vehicles and junk on any city lots for more than six months. Those vehicles must be removed by the property owner or the City of Twin Brooks will have them towed and property owner will be charged.
A motion was made by Porath and seconded by Wellnitz to approve Town’s Tiling Project - Phase One.
The board requests all Town residents who need snow removal from driveways this winter to sign up at the next meeting. A new rate for services will be discussed.
Bills to be paid: Grant County Review, 262.72; Grant-Roberts Rural Water 48.00; Otter tail 223.56; Coester Schwandt Law 231.25; The Flower Shoppe 47.92.
Meeting was adjourned and seconded. Next meeting is set for November 12, 2019 at 7:30 p.m.
Paul T. Spolar
Finance Officer