- If you were to become "more healthy," what would that entail? - 13 votes - open
- Valentine's Day is approaching quickly! When you make plans, what is likely to be your focus? - 14 votes - open
- Today is the Winter Solstice -- the shortest day, or longest night, of the year. How do you view this day? - 25 votes - open
- When you attend the Christmas concerts at the schools and churches, what do you enjoy most? - 12 votes - open
- Happy Thanksgiving! What do you prefer for the main course? - 19 votes - open
- If age is only a state of mind, which category best describes your state of mind right now? - 37 votes - open
- If you could have one superpower, which would you choose? - 26 votes - open
- Hand on heart – are you wearing pajamas right now? - 26 votes - open
- I prefer the South Dakota weather in ... - 13 votes - open
- Spring is in the air, and that means it's time to think about fun, summery things ... such as roasting marshmallows over an open fire! So, when that day comes, will you ... - 14 votes - open
- Would you rather live in Alaska (2 bedroom cabin with 50 wooded acres near mountains) or Florida (2 bedroom condo on the beach with ocean view)? - 26 votes - open
- Would you rather have an easy job working for someone else or work for yourself but work incredibly hard? - 12 votes - open
- How do you plan to treat your sweetheart to something special on Valentine's Day? - 10 votes - open
- We're a few days into 2021. How are you feeling about that? - 12 votes - open
- Christmas gatherings? - 26 votes - open